How to Hang art Above the Sofa
How large should art be behind a sofa? At least 2/3 the width of the sofa and if the ceilings are vaulted, you’ll need to go larger and lower.
How large should art behind the sofa be?
A good rule of thumb to use is that the piece of art should be at least 2/3 the width of your sofa. Here are a few quick dimensions:
- 86″ sofa: 55″ wide artwork
- 90″ sofa: 60″ wide artwork- 60×40, 60×50, 60×60
- 110″ sofa: 72″ wide
- 120″ sofa: 80″ artwork
- 144″ sofa: 96″ wide artwork
How high should you hang art behind the sofa?
In general, artwork should be hung at a comfortable viewing level where the center is at eye level. Aim to hang the art 6″ above the sofa back, which may put it slightly higher than eye level. If the piece is 60×40 this is a good placement.
If the piece is square or larger that 40″ tall, you will “break the plane” by hanging the art at eye level such that part of the art is behind the sofa.
Sofa Placement Rule
One- you should pull the sofa away from the wall and float it if you can. Two- if you can’t float the sofa, pull it out at least 6″-12″ to give it room to breathe. It will make the room feel larger & better spaced.
Common Living ROom Art Hanging Heights
The perfect art height can be difficult to achieve when artwork is 60″+ tall. It will take up substantially more wall space (which is a good thing) so you will hang the art at a comfortable viewing height, regardless of the sofa height.
8′ ceilings: Art can typically be hung at 6″ above the sofa back.
This can be more difficult to achieve when artwork is 80″+ tall and your ceilings are tall, vaulted or grand.
10′ & 12′ ceilings: Art should “break the plane” and be hung at eye level, transcending behind the sofa. Make sure you are pulling your sofa away from the wall.
Vaulted Ceilings: Go for one large scale piece of art that is 90″+ wide and tall. The layout of the room will determine how high you should hang the art. Ideally it will be centered on a wall width wise and you may be able to go higher than usual on such a large piece.