Father’s Day Questionnaire + FREE PRINTABLE

Free 2016 Father's Day gift idea from the kids: Father's Day Questionnaire + FREE Printable at StampinFool.com

Father’s Day Questionnaire + FREE PRINTABLE

Happy Monday, Fools!  Thanks for stopping by the blog. I just realized we are only a week out from Father’s Day and that means I have scrambling to do in order to be ready for it.

I mentioned earlier last month (definitely on Instagram and here) we are on a no spend binge, the goal being to pay off student loans (I mean a lot- i.e., law school loans) earlier than the 30 year term that will never fully pay them. Keeping with the budget, we have eliminated pricey gifts.  They don’t mean anything anyways. I’m sure it’s nice to buy someone a car, or computer, or $1200 watch as a gift, but it is not more meaningful than something inexpensive and heartfelt. For our anniversary, I shared a detailed tutorial on Transferring Photos to Wood and it turned out amazing!

How To: Transfer Photos to Wood Full Tutorial

Father’s Day 2016

Keeping with our theme of saving money and paying down these astro loans, I started thinking about how I would make Father’s Day happen.  Full disclosure: I begged to build in $25 spending money each week and that allows me to buy assorted things as needed. {For Mother’s Day, I found plates on sale at Target for $34.95. Winning!}. As for Father’s Day, I know exactly what I will buy to add to this handmade gift all under $25.00.

Father’s Day Questionnaire + FREE Printable

I’ve done a lot of talking and no showing, so are you ready for the Father’s Day Questionnaire? Here’s a preview of the questionnaire {Don’t save the photo, the full  copy is Free below}.  Are those mustache’s cute or what?!?!?  I love the watercolored look.

I took the time to compile the best Father’s Day questions which should elicit funny & cute answers from your little ones. So, go ahead and click the link below to print your copy and go over it with your kids.  Make sure you snap a photo of their answers and email it to me, comment with your favorite answer, or post it on Instagram with the hashtag #SFfathersday.


Free 2016 Father's Day gift idea from the kids: Father's Day Questionnaire + FREE Printable at StampinFool.com

I can’t wait to see your answers!

Free 2016 Father's Day gift idea from the kids: Father's Day Questionnaire + FREE Printable at StampinFool.com

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