5 Non Mum Porch Plants for Fall

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5 Non Mum Porch Plants for Fall

If you’re like me, and have a tendency to forget to water your plants, you may have killed your fair share of mums in the past. But don’t worry, because I’ve found 5 plants that are perfect substitutes for mums on your porch this fall.

Here are the 5 plants to use this fall for your porch planer decor this year:

  • petra croton
  • celosia
  • dragon’s breath
  • purple aster
  • autumn sedum

If you’re looking for porch plants that can take a little neglect, these are the perfect choices. Crotons are known for their colorful leaves, and come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, and red. They’re also pretty tough, and can withstand both heat and cold.

Celosias are another great option, and come in a spectrum of colors from white to pink to purple. They’re also known as “cockscomb” flowers, because of their unique shape.

Dragon’s breath is a type of grass that gets its name from the smoky purple color of its flowers. It’s a perfect plant for adding some height to your porch display

Purple aster is another great choice, and as the name suggests, produces gorgeous purple blooms.

Last but not least, sedum is a great plant for fall porch decor. It comes in a range of colors, including yellow, orange, and red. Sedum is also known for its ability to tolerate drought, making it a perfect plant for those forgetful gardeners out there.

Happy Planting!